Saturday 16 July 2011


Sometimes we sit, to stop and stare
into the depths, of our despair
We begin to feel the emptiness
a slipping faith and little less
We wait and wait, longing for life
for it to take us by surprise
But look around; just try to feel
how life surrounds you in its realm

But soon I'm lost in thought again
unknowing of what my fate ordains
I do remember what I’ve been told
of how life’s a journey that, with grace unfolds
Though what of when I reach the destination
when this train too, has reached its last station
In what light will I then remember
my life’s greatest moments, and how they'll dismember
Into what for me, my fate beheld
and the marks I left, from when I had dwelled

In the end, all that I can ask for
is a life worth living
And all the gratitude
for Him, Most Forgiving
Like the grace with which a poem descends
with its beautiful harmony, it makes amends
 I wish my life too, would earn its happy ending
and I will be the author, the poet whose mending

Written: 12-11-10