Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Let It Be

So I haven't written in so long
forgotten my poems, melodies and songs
Embezzled and dellusioned by the moments spire
should have let the memories in, my cherished shire
My heart longs to elucidate
what i'v loved and what i'v feared
and the way life has itself steered
Farewell to old symphonies of agony and pain
I sail a new ferry
oblivious to what may have been lost or gained
I'm in the midst of words
which flaunt their fervor their self

And sentences
which flow away from those in the shelf
But you know what I would like to do today
I'd like to dream of another day
The day when life would come to me
requesting what to be written in destiny
La'amour est destin or whatever else may be
I'd tell life; just let it be, just let it be.


1 comment:

  1. I really like this Ghada. It's all there, good-by to the past, the melody of the moment, the dreams of hope and the steadfastness of peaceful consistency.
